Taking Your Dog to a Local Veterinarian
Taking your dog to a local veterinarian can be a nervous adventure for you and your dog, but it doesn’t always have to be that way. Here are a few ways that you can make your dog a little more comfortable when taking them to your local veterinarian.
- Before going to the clinic, take them for a nice long walk or to the dog park. This will allow them to burn off some energy, and it might make them less anxious when going to the vet.
- Be sure to bring their favorite treats or toy with you. This might distract them just enough so that they aren’t too nervous.
- Keep your dog close to you and on a leash. Some dogs that might be there at the same time may be ill or not friendly with other dogs, so it’s important for you to keep your dog safe and away from stressful situations.
- Do not hover or be too close to your dog in the exam room. The local veterinarian needs rooms to give your dog a complete exam,
and if your dog is sitting between your legs, this can pose a problem, so relax and take a step back.
- Take your dog in for a happy visit. A happy visit is when your dog just stops in to see your local veterinarian to say hello and maybe get a nice belly rub. Happy visits can be done at the convenience of the local veterinarian or clinic. Most happy visits can be done at lunch time when business is slow.
- After taking your dog to the local veterinarian, take them out for a special treat. Maybe take them to the pet store and let them pick out their favorite treat or toy.
There are some dogs happy to visit their local veterinarian, and there are some who would prefer to stay far away, so making their visit as easy as it can be on them is always the best medicine.